What is Thermal Spray Coating and Advantages

 A coating formed by deposition of fine molten or Semi-molten particles onto a substrate 

  • The material to be deposited is introduced into an energy source causing it to either  melt or plastically deform 
  • The molten / semi-molten material is then accelerated using the stream of pressurized gas 
  • Material to be sprayed can be in powder or wire form depending on the process

Advantages of Thermal Spray Coating 

  • Thin film coatings ( 100 to 500 microns) that can impart an array of superficial properties like wear, corrosion, and erosion resistance. 
  • Maximum compatibility with various substrate materials. 
  • Properties of substrate materials are not affected and therefore design strength is maintained. 
  • Performance of the component can be enhanced significantly 
  • Components with coatings can be easily repaired for reuse


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